On Nov 11, 2022, IntoFree Inc. moved to the new location to expand its EC business:
OLD ADDRESS: GYB Akihabara 5F, Kanda Sudacho 2-25, Chiyoda, Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0041
NEW ADDRESS: 3081-19, HassemachiWada, Miura, Kanagawa, Tokyo, JAPAN 238-0114
On Nov 11, 2022, IntoFree Inc. moved to the new location to expand its EC business:
OLD ADDRESS: GYB Akihabara 5F, Kanda Sudacho 2-25, Chiyoda, Tokyo, JAPAN 101-0041
NEW ADDRESS: 3081-19, HassemachiWada, Miura, Kanagawa, Tokyo, JAPAN 238-0114